

Interpretation One

This Obulette personifies the travels of Spirit Beings first coming to and inhabiting the Earth. Depicted is the development of the energy of humanoid form and of the Merkaba, which is the form of the Human Being in its most unlimited state. The large central pyramid represents the True Person we are journeying to become, when we come together in power and strength.

Various shapes on this Obulette represent the Travelers, arriving in joy onto this planet, anxious to begin their new jobs. What look like spokes are the framework bringing stability, information, love and support to surround the individual. The Veil, the black inner ring, is a place of transition to move through as one changes into another form. It is malleable but offers a slight resistance as we move through it during the Birth and Death cycle.

Our Guides ask how they can assist in helping us to learn our lessons while on this journey. The Path is not straight nor easy but even when we veer off of it we fall into Love and are supported throughout our journey. The white area represents Universal Love, God’s Love and is holding each individual, as the Merkabah, gently like an embryo.

Obulette Taralita

Interpretation Two

The Merkaba is floating in a white field representing Infinity or All That Is. There is joy, anticipation, excitement, and a sense of fulfillment; anticipation and yet reward for a job well done. The cubes on the Merkaba are symbols representing tasks that once accomplished, could lead to what we consider enlightenment. There are five shown here and they represent the lessons of patience, compassion, abundance, acceptance, and beauty/inspiration.  Although five are shown they represent many more.

The many other symbols in Taralita, represent the forces at work that help us learn our lessons as well as the playground on which we learn our lessons. They are the tools such as Spirit Guides, angels, our past selves, and our future selves. The whole Universe is giving us clues and support to get what we need to be able to go to the next level.