Interpretation One
The central symbol in this Obulette, the Hanab Ku, stands for Creation. Everything that IS, is condensed into this symbol. Creating with love we have the power to create our own Universe, the microscopic versus the macroscopic. Both humans and the Universe are represented within the Hanab Ku.
In the larger picture certain symbols in Galaxia refer to travel portals, the back and forth between inner space and outer space. Other portals bring us to discovery, adventure, peace, and various galactic civilizations. Also, travel portals allow connection with the self at different stages of one’s own life.
This Obulette has to do with travel and is a means to step to the other side of the Universe. A slight anxiety arises that refers to uncertainty of the state of the world one is traveling to and not the concept of the travel itself.
This entire graphic represents a type of holographic technology that we will build to achieve these journeys but of such an advanced energy it is years in the future. To accomplish this travel, you might focus on the central image and step into a holograph which has been created with this higher level of mechanical technology. This action would then change your molecules and instantaneously accomplishes the transport.